Times have undoubtedly changed. Our lives have become faster, we work constantly, and somehow, it all seems to be very material. We are constantly worried about money –debt, credit cards, mortgages, bills, every single expense, it all boils down to numbers. All of this is a very significant contributing factor […]
10 Apps That Can Help Your Spiritual Development
The Difference Between Spirituality and Religion
What is Techno-Animism and Where Does it Originate From?
What exactly is techno-animism? If you haven’t heard of the term, don’t worry. Probably many people out there haven’t either. To get back to the point, techno-animism can be called a culture where technology is given some human and religious or spiritual traits. In other words, according to techno-animism, humanity, […]
Building a Better Self: The Benefits of Spirituality in Everyday Life
The soul search for something bigger, for something sacred, can be extremely important for our well-being. This is called spiritualism and more and more people nowadays are realizing the importance of it. Especially those who are living rather hectic lives in big cities where everything seems busy and overburdening. Practicing […]